Tips For

Moderate aerobic exercise helps us fall into a deeper sleep faster and improves blood flow to the brain, building the neural network and improving cognitive abilities.
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Eat the correct
There is strong scientific data supporting the notion that our sleep patterns and sleep duration influence our eating behavior. Sleep deficiencies are associated with ...
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Stress can be acute or chronic. Acute stresses are short lived, our mind and body reacts, responds and adapts, and life goes on. On the other hand, chronic stress results...
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Manage Your
It’s important to make memories with the people we care about and who care about and love us. I have heard of people who work nonstop until a crisis hits.
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Listen To
Scientific research shows that music can be used to improve sleep quality. Listening to your favorite music activates emotional reactions and releases hormones...
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Go outside in
Nature calms down the mind and brings peace. My own personal experience is that after spending time in nature, my mind is calmer, and I am more relaxed and peaceful.
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